Acceptance of the Terms of Service

By accessing, using, or visiting this Website, or using any of its content, functionalities, and services, you agree to these Terms of Service, including policies and guidelines (e.g., our Content Removal/DMCA policy and content protection policy), and our Privacy Policy, which are incorporated herein by reference.

These Terms of Service govern the relationship between all users, including Content Partners, Models, and Verified Uploaders (collectively referred to as “you,” “User,” or “Users”). The term “Content” includes text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, audiovisual combinations, interactive features, and other materials you may view, upload, publish, submit, make available, display, communicate, or post on this Website.


  • Content Partner(s): Users who have joined our Partnership Program.
  • Member/Customer/Subscriber: Visitors who sign up for the site’s services.
  • Guest: Visitors who enter or visit the Website without registering.
  • Model: Individuals older than 18 (or 21, depending on the legal age in the jurisdiction) who provide shows, chats, or interact with Members and Guests of the site.
  • Creators: Users with valid accounts who can upload Content on the Website.

If you do not agree to these Terms of Service or our Privacy Policy, please do not access or use this Website.

You consent to entering these Terms of Service electronically and to the storage of related records in electronic form.

Ability to Accept Terms of Service

You affirm that you are at least the age of majority in your jurisdiction and are fully able and competent to enter into these Terms of Service. If you are under the applicable age of majority, please do not use this Website. You also confirm that your jurisdiction does not prohibit receiving or viewing sexually explicit content. Whether you are registered or unregistered, we may require you to provide information to verify your age. For details on how this information is processed, please review our Privacy Policy. Failure to provide the required information may result in termination or suspension of your access rights.

Changes to the Terms of Service

We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Service at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to review these Terms of Service for any changes. Your continued use of this Website following any amendment signifies your acceptance of the revised terms. The updated version of these Terms of Service supersedes any prior versions immediately upon being posted.

About This Website

This Website allows both registered and unregistered users to access adult-oriented content. Content Partners, Verified Uploaders, and Models can upload adult-oriented content to the site.

This Website may contain links to third-party sites not owned or controlled by us. We are not responsible for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites. By using this Website, you release us from any liability related to your use of third-party sites. We encourage you to review the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of any other websites you visit.

This Website is for personal use only and shall not be used for commercial purposes unless specifically endorsed or approved by us. Content that does not meet our criteria may be removed at our discretion.

You acknowledge that using this Website exposes you to content from various sources, and we are not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of such content. You may encounter content that is inaccurate, offensive, or objectionable, and you agree to waive any legal or equitable rights you have against this Website regarding such content. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Accessing this Website and Account Security

To access this Website or use some of its features, you must register and provide certain information. For more details on the required information, please consult our Privacy Policy. It is a condition of your use that all information you provide is true, accurate, up-to-date, and complete. All information provided is subject to our Privacy Policy.

If you choose or are provided with a username, password, or other security information, you must treat it as confidential and not disclose it to any other person. You are responsible for all activities under your username or password. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access or use of your username or password. Ensure you exit your account at the end of each session, especially when using a public or shared computer.

We have the right to disable any username, password, or other identifier at our sole discretion for any reason, including if you violate these Terms of Service.

By using this Website over mobile devices, you acknowledge that your carrier’s normal rates and fees will apply.

Limited, Conditional License to Use Our Intellectual Property

The domain name of our Website, any subdomains, and associated logos and names are our trademarks and/or service marks. Other trademarks, service marks, names, and logos used on or through this Website, such as those associated with third-party content providers, are the trademarks, service marks, or logos of their respective owners. You are granted no right or license with respect to any of the aforementioned trademarks, service marks, or logos.

The inclusion of images or text containing the trademarks or service marks or the name or likeness of any person, including any celebrity, does not constitute an endorsement, express or implied, by any such person of this Website or vice versa.

This Website and certain materials available on or through this Website are Content that we own, authored, created, purchased, or licensed (collectively, our “Works”). Our Works may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and/or other laws, and we reserve and retain all rights in our Works and this Website.

We grant you a conditional, revocable, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and limited license to access and use our Website and Works solely for your personal use, conditioned upon your compliance with these Terms of Service. You agree to display this Website whole and intact as presented by this Website’s host, complete with any advertising, and to not interfere with the display of any advertising or use ad-blocking software of any kind. This limited license is further conditioned upon your agreement not to use any information obtained from or through this Website to block or interfere with the display of any advertising on this Website or for the purpose of implementing, modifying, or updating any software or filter lists that block or interfere with the display of any advertising on this Website. Interference with the display of any advertising on this Website, use of ad-blocking software to block or disable any advertising while viewing this Website, or use of information obtained from or through this Website to update any ad-blocking software or filter lists, is prohibited, violates the conditions of your limited license to view this Website and Works, and constitutes copyright infringement.

You may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, make available, adapt, publicly perform, link to, or publicly display this Website and Works or any adaptations thereof unless expressly set forth herein. Such conduct would exceed the scope of your license and constitute copyright infringement.

The above-described license is conditioned on your compliance with these Terms of Service, including your agreement to view this Website whole and intact as presented by this Website’s host, complete with any advertising, and shall terminate upon termination of these Terms of Service. If you breach any provision of these Terms of Service, any license you have obtained will be automatically rescinded and terminated. To protect our rights, some Content made available on this Website may be controlled by digital rights management technologies, which will restrict how you may use the Content. You must not circumvent, remove, delete, disable, alter, or otherwise interfere with any digital rights management technology. Such conduct is prohibited by law.

You are not allowed to reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, alter, modify, or otherwise copy or reproduce our Works or Content that does not belong to you, in whole or in part.

Rules Applicable to All Content and Uploaders on this Website

To upload Content to this Website, you must be either a Creator, a Content Partner, or a Model, except for comments, cover pictures, and avatars. We are not responsible if you provide incorrect, inaccurate, outdated, or false identity data or information. If we confirm that you have provided such false, incorrect, inaccurate, or outdated details and/or information, we will immediately terminate your licenses and close your account. This may also result in the immediate suspension of any pending payments from us to you, and we may withhold payment indefinitely. You may also be subject to further legal actions.

You represent and warrant that with respect to all Content you upload on this Website:

  1. The Content does not violate any applicable laws and does not subject this Website to any claims, demands, lawsuits, regulatory actions, or any actual, potential, or risk of liability, or any threats thereof.
  2. You own the exclusive rights to use and upload the Content on this Website and that the Content does not infringe any rights (including intellectual property rights, image and likeness, publicity rights, etc.) of a third party. You have obtained the consent and release for every individual appearing in your Content, including the right to use and upload the Content on this Website.
  3. The Content and its use by the Website will not generate an obligation for the Website or its operator to pay any third party any type of additional compensation, royalties, fees, etc., caused by your uploading.
  4. For every individual appearing in your Content, you have verified their true identity with a valid government-issued photo ID proving they had reached the age of majority on the day the Content was created/recorded, according to the jurisdiction where they were photographed, filmed, or otherwise featured in such Content.
  5. You or the producer of the Content have collected and maintained the records required under 18 U.S.C. § 2257 et. seq., as modified from time to time in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 75 et. seq., and any other applicable record-keeping or age verification laws.
  6. The Content Partner affirms that no individual appearing in the Content has been convicted of crimes relating to sexual assault, sexual exploitation of a minor, trafficking, and other related criminal offenses.
  7. The Content may be used for training purposes.
  8. The Content is not a duplicate of another piece of Content uploaded by you or anyone else.
  9. The Content complies with this Website’s Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy.

Failure to Comply

If you fail to comply with these Terms of Service, any related contracts, or any documents you enter into with us, or if we determine any of the above statements are untrue or not complied with, we may, at our sole discretion:

  • Refuse to include your Content or any part thereof on this Website.
  • Remove the Content in question from this Website.
  • Forfeit all accrued or pending earnings.
  • De-monetize your Content.
  • Cancel all current or pending payouts.
  • Terminate your account.
  • Take any necessary measures to minimize or eliminate any liability.

We may terminate your account at our sole discretion if you breach any of these Terms of Service or at any time for any reason, even without cause.

If we believe that your Content violates any criminal laws or this Website’s Terms of Service, your account will be immediately terminated, you will be banned from this Website without notice, all earnings and payouts will be forfeited, and where applicable, we will report you to law enforcement authorities.

Compliance with Records Keeping Requirements under 18 U.S.C. §2257

You certify that the Content you upload to this Website has been produced, and records are being kept, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 2257 et seq., and 28 C.F.R. § 75 et seq., as modified from time to time, and any other applicable records keeping or age verification laws and regulations. Upon our request, you must promptly deliver legible copies (as may be lawfully redacted) of valid government-issued photo IDs for all individuals appearing in any of your Content, demonstrating that they were at least 18 years of age (or the applicable age of majority) on the day the Content was produced. This applies to all individuals appearing in the Content, whether nude, semi-nude, or fully clothed, engaging in simulated or actual sexual intercourse (including solo scenes). We do not accept or accommodate voiceovers or sounds from persons under 18 years old, or the applicable age of majority, appearing in the background or synced with the Content. Failure to promptly deliver the requested information may lead to temporary or permanent suspension of your account. You will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any and all liabilities, losses, damages, fines, fees, penalties, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from your failure or negligence to maintain any legally mandated records.

Account Security and Responsibility

You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account. You must not permit any other person to use your account and must immediately inform us of any apparent breach of security, such as loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of a screen name or password. You may never use anyone else’s account, just as no one can ever use yours.

You will be liable for any losses incurred by us due to the unauthorized use of your account. We are not liable for your losses caused by unauthorized use of your account, and you waive any such claim and agree to defend and indemnify us against any claims made against your account by third parties.

User Profile and Content

If you create a User profile to participate in certain services, your profile (and its Contents) may be searchable by other Users registered through this Website and others partnered or networked with us. Likewise, your profile (and its Contents) may be searchable by publicly available search engines.

We do not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any Content you contribute. You are solely responsible for your own Content and the consequences of posting or publishing it.

Content Standards and Compliance

You must assess and assume all risks associated with the use of any Content, including its accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or legality. You acknowledge that you cannot rely on any Content created by us or transmitted to this Website. You are responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available through this Website.

If we suspect that your Content violates any third-party rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, intellectual property rights, image and likeness, or publicity rights, we may require you to provide written evidence of your ownership or right to use the material. You must provide this evidence within five (5) working days from our request. Failure to do so may result in the immediate termination of your account and a demand for compensation for any costs and damages associated with such Content.

You must not submit Content containing third-party copyrighted material or material subject to other third-party proprietary rights unless you have permission from the rightful owner or are legally entitled to post the material and grant us all the license rights herein.

You understand and agree that this Website (and its successors and affiliates) may use your Content for promotional and commercial purposes, and to provide services under these Terms of Service. You retain all ownership rights in your Content but grant us an unlimited, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute, market, create derivative works, adapt, translate, publicly display, communicate, or perform the Content for promoting and redistributing this Website (and derivative works) through any media formats and channels, worldwide. You also waive any claims against us related to moral rights in the Content.

Each User of this Website is granted a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to access your Content as permitted under these Terms of Service. Other Users cannot download or save the Content you post.

The licenses granted in video Content terminate within a commercially reasonable time after you remove or delete the Content, but this Website may retain server copies of removed or deleted videos. The licenses granted in User comments are perpetual and irrevocable.

This Website does not endorse any Content submitted by any User or other licensor, or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with Content. We do not permit copyright-infringing activities or infringement of intellectual property rights and will remove all Content if properly notified that such Content infringes another’s intellectual property rights.

This Website reserves the right to remove Content without prior notice, and you waive any right or claim derived from such removal. All Content you submit must comply with the Content standards set out in these Terms of Service.

If any Content you post to this Website contains ideas, suggestions, documents, and/or proposals to us, we have no obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to such Content, and we are entitled to use, exploit, or disclose (or choose not to use or disclose) such Content in our sole discretion without any obligation to you. You will not be entitled to any compensation from us under any circumstances.

Use of Website

You agree to use this Website and our services solely for lawful purposes as expressly permitted by these Terms of Service. Any other use is prohibited without our prior written consent.

You agree to view this Website and its Content as presented, unaltered and unmodified. You must not modify this Website, remove any Content, including ads, or interfere with any age and biometrics verification processes or security tools. By using this Website, you agree to accept advertising served on and through this Website and to disable any ad-blocking software before visiting.

Content is provided to you AS IS. You may access Content for personal use as intended through the functionality of this Website and as permitted under these Terms of Service. You shall not download, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any Content not permitted in these Terms of Service.

Prohibited Uses

You agree not to:

  • Use any method, device, software, or routine to harm others or interfere with the functioning of this Website or monitor any information in or related to this Website for unauthorized purposes.
  • Modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, reduce, or take any other action intended to reduce the source code or content used by us to provide the Website.

Specifically, you agree not to use this Website to:

  • Violate any law or encourage others to do so.
  • Engage in harmful, threatening, abusive, inflammatory, or harassing conduct.
  • Post any Content depicting persons under the legal age of majority.
  • Post any Content without maintaining written documentation confirming all subjects are of legal age.
  • Post Content depicting underage sexual activity, non-consensual sexual activity, or any other prohibited content.
  • Post falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage this Website or any third party.
  • Post obscene, illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate Content.
  • Post unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, spam, chain letters, or other unauthorized solicitations.
  • Post Content related to gambling without authorization.
  • Post copyrighted materials or materials protected by other intellectual property laws without permission.
  • Impersonate another person or misrepresent your affiliation.
  • Use this Website to promote prostitution, human trafficking, or sex trafficking.
  • Arrange in-person meetings for sexual activity for hire.
  • Deploy harmful software or engage in denial-of-service attacks.
  • Collect or store personal data about others.
  • Alter or modify any part of this Website or its Content without permission.
  • Exploit errors or bugs to gain unauthorized access.

Monitoring and Enforcement; Termination

We reserve the right to:

  • Remove or refuse to post any Content you submit for any or no reason at our sole discretion.
  • Monitor communication on this Website to ensure compliance with these Terms of Service and legal obligations.
  • Take action with respect to any Content we deem necessary or appropriate, including if it violates these Terms of Service or infringes any rights.
  • Take legal action for any illegal or unauthorized use of this Website.
  • Terminate or suspend your access to all or part of this Website for any reason, including violation of these Terms of Service.

This Website takes a strong stand against child exploitation, human trafficking, and non-consensual use of adult Content. Any such Content will be removed, and we will report it to law enforcement authorities. If you become aware of such Content, you agree to report it to us.

We may display, reject, refuse to post, or remove any Content at our discretion without notice or liability. We may review and monitor private messages and public comments to enforce these Terms of Service and protect third-party rights.

We assume no liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications, or Content provided by any User or third party. We have no liability or responsibility for performance or non-performance of these activities.

Copyright and Other Intellectual Property

This Website upholds a strict Copyright Policy regarding any Content that infringes third-party copyrights. If you believe any Content on this Website violates your copyright, please review our Copyright Policy for instructions on submitting a notice of copyright infringement. We may revoke a user’s access if they are determined to be a repeat infringer.

We do not mediate trademark disputes between users and trademark owners. Trademark owners should address disputes directly with the relevant user or through legal means. To report trademark infringement, contact us through the provided channels.

We will conduct a limited investigation into reasonable complaints and promptly remove Content in clear cases of infringement. Only the trademark owner or their authorized representative may submit a report of trademark infringement. We routinely share the rights owner’s name, your email address, and the details of your report with the individual who posted the Content you are reporting, who may contact you based on the information you provide.